Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts -- Zoojo or Zoo Jo -- Zoojo
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
--William James

"Zoojo," a cute, catchy, and memorable name, would make a great brand for a product line or services for children: clothes, toys, games, shoes, daycare, themed restaurants, cartoon characters, TV shows -- the list is endless. 

"Zoojo" could also be a fun humor site, either for kids or just general humor.

Indeed, we had fun with this logo just because "Zoojo" is an all-around fun/funny word.  

Radio test: Zoojo passes with a caveat: listeners might visualize "Zujo"; therefore, pronunciation should be presented as follows:

"Zoo-jo-dot-com; that's Z-o-o-j-o-dot-com."

In essence, Zoojo is primarily a visual term: internet, TV, print. If you plan to use radio spots extensively for advertising your product or service, you should probably select another name for your brand or company name. 

"Zoojo" and its variations ("Zoo Jo," "Zo Ojo," "Soojo," "Soo Jo," and "So Ojo"), do not appear in the data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZXAL -- ZXAL
Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
--C. S. Lewis

"ZXAL" is a very cool-looking 4-letter name that would make a good company name/acronym. We envision this as a technology or space-age domain: tech website, private space agency, gaming site, computers, etc.

However, if you're seeking a name that will be advertised extensively on the radio, then this might not be the name for your company. This is short enough that you could spell out the letters, but this is primarily a visual name.

No trademarks were found on the data base for "ZXAL" or any of its variations, such as "SXAL."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zanak -- Zanak
“For a truly effective social campaign, a brand needs to embrace the first principles of marketing, which involves brand definition and consistent storytelling.”
--Simon Mainwaring 

“Zanak” suggests to us a character or a video game. It would also be a good company or brand name for just about any business or brand.

In reality, “Zanak” is an open-ended name, one on which you can define your brand and build your own company narrative.

Keep in mind that brands like Verizon, Xerox, Kleenex, and TASER (Acronym for “Thomas A. Smith's Electric Rifle”) have been built on non-words, coined by their creators to impart meaning about a brand.

“Zanak” also appears to be a last name.

“Zanak” is a “consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant” configuration, a very desirable pattern for start-up companies. This word pattern is nearly impossible to find, except on the domain aftermarket.

As of 8/15/2013, the term “Zanak” was not found on the or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZeQuest or Ze Quest -- ZeQuest or Ze Quest
Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.
--Stephen Hawking

The root word of "ZeQuest" is "Quest," a highly charged word that refers to a hero's obsession to find, via an arduous journey filled with danger, obstacles, and tests, something or someone important:
In mythology and literature, a quest, a journey towards a goal, serves as a plot device and (frequently) as a symbol. Quests appear in the folklore of every nation and also figure prominently in non-national cultures. In literature, the objects of quests require great exertion on the part of the hero, and the overcoming of many obstacles, typically including much travel. The aspect of travel also allows the storyteller to showcase exotic locations and cultures (an objective of the narrator, not of the character) (Wikipedia).
"ZeQuest" suggests video games or series of products having to do with a hero's search/quest for the "Holy Grail." Other uses for this term are possible, but this use is most obvious to us.

No trademarks were found on the term "ZeQuest" or "Ze Quest" on the or data bases. However, a trademark was found for SeQuest for "computer software for performing biomolecular analysis by analyzing data from mass spectrometers." We disclose this information because ZeQuest, depending on usage, may be considered a typo of SeQuest; "Z" and "S" are near each other on the qwerty keyboard. If you avoid product confusion with the SeQuest mark, you should be okay. For more information, consult with a trademark lawyer.

Domain Name is for Sale at


The background of the logo is a public domain illustration: “The Knight at the Crossroads,” Viktor Vasnetsov, 1878, found on Wikipedia.

Although the illustration is a photographic representation of the original, the Wikipedia Foundation  avers the following:

This image is in the public domain because under United States copyright law, originality of expression is necessary for copyright protection, and a mere photograph of an out-of-copyright two-dimensional work may not be protected under American copyright law. The official position of the Wikimedia Foundation is that all reproductions of public domain works should be considered to be in the public domain regardless of their country of origin (even in countries where mere labor is enough to make a reproduction eligible for protection).
For more information regarding rights of public domain works, please consult with a copyright lawyer. -- Ziqus (ziQus) -- Ziqus
Avoid demonizing television, computer games, and new technologies. Electronic media may compete for kids' attention, but we're not going to get kids reading by badmouthing other entertainment. Admit that TV and games can do things books can't.
-- Jon Scieszka

"Ziqus" or "ziQus" suggests a type of video game or playful company name. Capitalizing the "Q" really makes this name pop visually -- never underestimate the power of "Q" in a product or company name. This Q works especially well because of the organic "u" that follows it, for (in English), "u" almost always follows "q."

This name also follows the "consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant" pattern, a very desirable configuration for products and company names.

This name sort of passes the radio test, although listeners might hear and see "zikus" or "zicus"; but if you are selling computer games, you won't be advertising on radio, now will you? Ziqus works best as a visual name in visual media: internet, TV, billboard, magazines, etc.

One of the best aspects: Ziqus does not appear on the or data bases, nor does there seem to be any ancillary marks to worry about.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zwapo -- Zwapo
I like the idea that every page in every book can have a gem on it. It's probably what I love most about writing - that words can be used in a way that's like a child playing in a sandpit, rearranging things, swapping them around.
-- Markus Zusak

"Zwapo" is just one of those non-words that should be a word; indeed, the root word "Zwap" is a play on the word "swap." Certainly, Zwapo would be a great swap meet website or brand for a company that organizes physical swap meets and other trade events.

Also, "Zwap" is listed in the Urban Dictionary as "someone getting hit by an object or person at a high velocity." One sees this word quite a bit in fast-action comic books as superheroes and villains duke it out.

Zwapo is a fast-action term, perhaps describing a screaming fast software program or game -- this term also suggests a techie type word, through and through.

While "Zwapo" does not appear in the or data bases, the term is in commercial use in the Netherlands (See for the sales of pre-fab log cabins (Blokhutten). If you plan to do business in the Netherlands and/or sell pre-fab buildings, you might want to consider another name for your business or product. In any case, please consult with a trademark lawyer with any questions you might have about this domain and its potential as a trademark for your product or service.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zooray! -- Zooray!

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
--Mother Teresa

"Zooray," an echo of "Hooray," is a kid name, through and through, appropriate for myriad products and services for children: clothing, shoes, toys, games, daycare, meetup places for kids meeting kids, children-themed restaurants, etc.

Zooray could also be branded for a pet store or even a chain of stores. Unlike many short branded names, Zooray is made up of two short common words: "zoo" and "ray."

Zooray is the kind of name that pops out and grabs customers and draws them in, the kind of name that will brand itself -- definitely an "earworm." This term could easily slip into everyday lexicon.

As of 8/2/2013, Zooray and Zoo Ray have not been found in the and data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zixio or Zix io -- Zixio or Zix io

In a start-up company, you basically throw out all assumptions every three weeks.
-- William Lyon Phelps

"Zixio" would be a great name for a start-up tech company, although Zixio would not necessarily be limited to tech.

As of 7/30/2013, "Zixio" has not been found on the or data bases. However, the term "Zyxio" is trademarked for mobile phone software, so if you plan to use this name for that market, you might want to consult with a trademark lawyer before buying

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zwaa -- Zwaa

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.

-- Charlie Chaplin


Although "Zwaa" (pronounced "Z'Wah") has been categorized as "tech," this is one of those terms that could represent just about any product or service. It's kind of playful and flirty, great for a company that prizes informality and humor as part of its corporate culture.

According to the Urban Dictionary, "Zwaa" has had a brush with fame on the NBC series Scrubs as a term that means "to diss" or "burn":
Ed: Zwaa!
Dr. Cox: Who made that noise?
Ed: Oh, uhh... I did. I'm a little tired of her chipper attitude so it's cool to see you just slam her so I just went Zwaa!
Dr. Cox: So, if I were to ask you a question like "What is the next diagnostic move in checking for Zollinger–Ellison?" and you didn't know I would say "Zwaa!"
Ed: Nope. Because I know the answer: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Zwaa!
Dr. Cox: Good. But mark my words I will Zwaa you by the end of the day.
One caution, though: in Switzerland, there is a wine called Zwaa, so, perhaps, if you live and/or work in Switzerland, you might want to consult with a trademark lawyer, especially if you plan to open a winery. Indeed, the domain name appears to be registered to one of the winery owners, but does not resolve into a website.

As of 7/29/2013, "Zwaa" does not appear in the or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZooRock or Zoo Rock -- ZooRock or Zoo Rock

Animals are such agreeable friends -- they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.
-- George Eliot
Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it.
-- Elvis Presley 


ZooRock or Zoo Rock is an active, thrumming name, filled with a jungle beat and lots of fun. Surely, rockin' animals must be involved in this zoo name.

Lots of possible branding opportunities for ZooRock: a children's book title; a business specializing in children's products, such as books, toys, games, and clothing; a play for children; zoo promotions; a daycare center; name of a rock musical group; title of a movie or TV show (Think PBS).

As of 7/28/2013, ZooRock and Zoo Rock were not listed on the  ot data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZooZity or Zoo Zity -- ZooZity or Zoo Zity

If it weren't for baseball, many kids wouldn't know what a millionaire looked like.

-- Phyllis Diller


The CEO of Brands Z grew up in Sioux City, Iowa; as a child, she and her friends often lovingly referred to Sioux City as "Zoo City" or "Zoo Zity," so the term has been kid-tested for appeal, memorability, and cuteness. Also, the double "Z" offers a catchy buzziness that kids tend to love.

A Sioux City start-up business could do very well with this name because of its catchy rhyme to the city name and overall regional appeal. 

"ZooZity" would be perfect for a children's retail store, product line, or service: clothing, games, toys, shoes, daycare center, and kid-themed restaurant (where giddy kids can find a meetup place filled with other giddy kids, fun foods, playground equipment, party events, and games).

A caution, however: if you plan to open a pet store, you should be aware that there is a ZooZity pet store in Denmark, doing business under what is known as an unregistered or "natural" trademark. In that case, you should definitely check with a trademark lawyer regarding regional use of a non-generic term or find another name for your pet store. If you are located or doing business in Denmark, you should probably look for another name.

Good news for everyone else, though: As of 7/28/2013, ZooZity and Zoo Zity do not appear in in the or data bases, so you would likely be okay for most uses. If you are not certain, check with a trademark lawyer before purchasing.

Domain is for Sale at -- Zaggly -- Zaggly
_____________ -- Zaggly

Life is a song -- sing it.
Life is a game -- play it.
Life is a challenge -- meet it.
Life is a dream -- realize it.
Life is a sacrifice -- offer it.
Life is love -- enjoy it.

-- Sai Baba

Zaggly is such a playful, cute, and lovable name for a company specializing in product lines or services for children: games, toys, play places, daycare centers, educational material, books, etc.

Children play long and hard, having lots of fun along the way and learning about life--which the logo tries to convey.

As of 7/28/2013, this gem has not been listed in the data base or found on

In fact, other than a few user names (what's not to love?) across the 'net, we saw, after a quick search, no evidence of this name being used in business.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZoSet or Zo Set -- ZoSet or Zo Set

Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way.

-- Eileen Caddy

Nice easy name to remember, suggesting different products and services. Root word: "Set."

Domain is for Sale at -- ZaKid -- ZaKid or Za Kid

When kids hit one year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.
-- Johnny Depp

Kids, kids, kids...All about kids.

A product line for kids: clothes, shoes, toys, games, movies, cartoons.

A company that's all about kids, no one but kids -- or kids at heart.

ZaKid (or Za Kid) is playful, saucy, and a little bit silly, just the way kids love it.

A memorable name for a successful company.

As of July 12, 2013, no trademarks for ZaKid or Za Kid were found in a or search.

Domain is for Sale at

*The Fine Print

We will not knowingly sell global and/or well-known trademarked terms. However, it is a large world, so it is possible that the term is in use in some countries, regions, and/or local areas.

Before buying, please make sure that no one in your country, region, or local area is using the name in question, especially in your area of product offerings and/or services.

Also, we cannot guarantee that the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( or any other trademarking authority will grant you a trademark for the domain name terms that we offer for sale. Therefore, before you purchase a domain name, please conduct your own extensive search, and consult with a trademark and/or corporate lawyer.

Finally, we cannot guarantee how past owners (other than our company) have used the domains that we sell. Your tech department should have the tools to check out past history of domains ( is a good place to start) and rehabbing domains that have been misused by past owners.

We do not offer legal services.

Brands Z Cloud

10 Letters 3 Letters 4 Letters 5 Letters 6 Letters 7 Letters 8 Letters 9 Letters About Brands Z Acronyms Advice Advice site African Afternic Air Travel Airfares animals Arcades Arizona Art Pottery Artist Artists attractions Bars bedding Bedroom Furniture Beds Beer bio Biological Robots blogging books Bookstores bots Bowling Brand name Bubbles Bubbly building supplies Buzz Cartoons Celebrity News Champagne Characters Children Children's Books CI City City Directories clothing coding College sites Communications Company name Computer games Computer Interface Computer Programming computer repair Computer upgrades Computers Consumer help Contacts Corporate Jets Cow Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigator Crystals CVCVC Domain CVVCV Dance Halls Data daycare Delivery Detective Detective Agency Detergent Dictionaries Dictionary Dictionary Words Dining Directories Drugs e-books ebooks education Educational Sites electronic marijuana cigarettes Elements Events Fairs Family Family Business Fast Fast Delivery Fast Food Fast machines Fast Services First Name Fluff News Food Form Poems Form Poetry Fortune Telling Franchises Friends Frozen Yogurt furniture Games Gaming gardening Gathering Places Gems Geo Geo Domains George Ohr Girl's Name Gossip Hair Color Hair Coloring Hair Cuts Hair Salons Hair Styling Hardware Health and Beauty Help Desks Holy Grail Hot Spot Hotels How to Acquire One of Our Brandable Names Via Humor Humor Sites Ice Cream Ice Cream Shops Illustrator Illustrators Industrial Robots Information for Acquiring Brands Z Domains Innovation Interface internet internet sites Inventions jewelry Jo joint Karma Kid Kid's Clothing Kids Kumquat Kumquats Last Name Learning Resource Centers LI libraries Literary Quotes lizards LLLLL Local Business Local Buzz Local celebrities Logo Logos Long Island Long Island New York Machines manufacturing Marijuana Marijuana cigarettes Mary Jane mattresses Medical Marijuana Minerals Motels Movers Movies nanobots New York News Night Clubs Nikola Tesla non-words One syllable Online Book Stores Online College Textbooks organics Palindrome Palindromes Pasta Peace Pet stores pharmaceuticals Piece Pizza Pizza Chains Pizza Delivery Pizza Restaurants Pizza to go Pizzas Play dates Play places Plus Size Plus size clothing Poems Poetry Poetry Tumbler Poets pot potters Pottery Powerful name Price Quote Price Quotes Prices Product Name products Programming Psychedelic Bingo Psychics publishing publishing companies Quest Quests Quote Quote of the Day Quotes Quotes by Famous People Recreational Marijuana reefer repair Restaurants Retail Goods Retail Stores Robiotic Robiotics Robiots Robot Robotic Robotics Robotics and Biology Robots Rocks Salons Search engine Sedona Selecting a Powerful Company or Brand Name sequin sequins Services Sestina Sestinas Sherbert Sherbet Shoes Sleep Sleep aids Sleep labs sleepwear Soaps Social Media Social Web Software Space Space Travel spokesanimals strength Strong Name Suds Swap Swapping Websites Swift Sylvia symmetry Tarot Readings Taverns Taylor Swift Tech tech help Tech sites Technology teeth Test Textbooks Texts The Bible The Buzz The Mad Potter of Biloxi themed restaurants tools tooth Tourists Toys Travel TV TV Channel TV Network TV Shows Two-fer User Interface UV Variant Girl's Name Vehicles Vermont Video Video Games videos visual name visual symmetry VT Web Web Development Website Websites weed Weight Loss What Our Company Offers Wheels Women's Issues Women's News write writers writing writing sites Young Adults z Vera Za Za Buzz Za Desk Za Kid Za Word ZaBuzz ZaDesk zaftig Zaggly ZaKid Zalat Zanak Zaput Zas zas GO zasGo Zat Fa Zatav ZatFa Zaule ZaWord zaxaz Ze Ask Ze Ota Ze Quest Ze Quote Ze Quotes Ze Spot Ze Text Zeace ZeAsk Zedona Zen Zen Fair ZenFair Zeo Me Zeo Ta Zeo Za Zeolyte Zeome Zeota ZeoZa ZeQuest Zequin Zequins ZeQuote ZeQuotes Zerbet Zesla ZeSpot Zest Zest Set Zest Test Zestina ZestSet Zesttest Zet GO ZeText ZetGO Zi Data Zi Robot Ziats ZiData Zide Kick ZideKick Ziece Zilea Zinc Zincy Ziore Ziote Zip Zip CI Zip LI Zip Pot Zip Swift ZipCI ZipLI Zippot ZipSwift ziqus Ziro Bot ZiRobot Zispy Zithe Zix io Zixio Zixth Zo Set Zobiot Zobiotic Zobiotics Zobiots Zobotic Zogo Logo ZogoLogo Zogos Zogos Logos ZogosLogos Zol Zol ii Zol TV Zolii ZolTV Zoo Zoo Cow Zoo Jo Zoo Ray Zoo Rock Zoo Zity Zoobrary ZooCow Zoojo Zoom Zoomable Zooming Zooray ZooRock Zoos ZooZity Zorav ZoSet ZU Zub Zub CI Zudso Zudzo Zui Co ZuiCo Zumor Zumquat ZUVT zVera Zwaa Zwapo ZXAL Zylvia zyTyz ZZZ Co ZZZ Company ZZZ Spot ZZZ US ZZZ USA ZZZco ZZZCompany ZZZNN ZZZus ZZZusa