Showing posts with label Brand name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand name. Show all posts -- -- Zithe
In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money.
-- Michael Jordan

"Zithe" would be a cool name for a tech start-up.

Radio test: "Zithe" passes the radio test with one caveat: with the silent "e" at the end, the listener may hear "zith." So your announcer should pronounce as follows:

"Zithe-dot-com; that's z-i-t-h-e-dot-com -- with an 'e' at the end."

In short, "Zithe" can be both an aural and a visual term: internet, TV, print. However, if you plan to use radio spots extensively for advertising your product or service, you might consider using another name. 

As of 9/15/2013, "Zithe" and its variations ("Zi the," "Sithe," and "Si the"), do not appear in the data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zaule -- Zaule
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
-- Peter Marshall

What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.
-- Aristotle


"Zaule" is a powerful all-purpose term, appropriate for just about any business purpose, including a strong company name and/or brand. This term is also a small geographic area in Italy.

Radio Test: "Zaule" probably would not pass the radio test, unless your announcer spells out the name:


There are just too many opportunities for misspelling, mainly leaving the "E" off the end and hearing "S" instead of "Z." Therefore, "Zaule" is primarily a visual name: internet, TV, and print. It does look nice on a logo or on your company stationery.

"Zaule" and its variants ("Zaul," "Za Ule," "Zau Le," "Zaul E," or "Z Aule.". have not been found on the data base. No live trademarks were found on "Saule" or "Saul."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zincy -- Zincy
We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from... Therefore, there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.
--William Shakespeare
If the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything comes there ten years later.
– Mark Twain

"Zincy" is a dictionary word: a variant for zinc.

For a Cincinnati business: "Zincy" is a flirty way to refer to "Cincy" or Cincinnati, so this could also be developed into a Cincy business or geo portal.

Radio test: Zincy passes with some caveats. When you pronounce "Zincy," will the listener hear the correct spelling or "Zinzy," "Cincy," "Sincy," "Cinzy," "Cinsy," or "Zinsy"? So if you plan to use radio spots for advertising, be prepared to spell out the name as such:


In short, "Zincy" is primarily a visual term: internet, TV, print. If you plan to use radio spots extensively for advertising your product or service, you should probably select another name. 

"Zincy" does not appear in the data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zispy -- Zispy
I took a chance, I took a shot. And you may think I’m bullet-proof, but I’m not. You took a swing, I took it hard. And down here from the ground I see who you are.
--Taylor Swift

"Zispy" reminds us of Taylor Swift, a delicate flower with a big voice. In that vein, we believe that "Zispy" would be a fine product name for a delicate product or a sensible, non-buggy software program, designed with average users in mind.

We would like to see more streamlined software programs, concentrating on websites that are beautifully simple to use, and, perhaps, your company can be that hero. You software developers seem to love creating hog-laden bells and whistle websites, Rube Goldberg contraptions, and M.C. Escher impossibilities; we users simply want the shortest path to point Z from point A.

Please help us out!

No trademarks were found on for "Zispy."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZipLI or Zip LI -- Zipli
Most magicians catch the bug as kids. My first audience was my family in Long Island. My first “assistant” was my mother, whom I levitated on a broom in our living room.
-- Criss Angel

"ZipLI" has Long Island (New York) spelled all over it. We see this term as a perfect business name for a Long Island clothier, furniture store, food delivery, caterer, car service, magic shop (lol) -- the list goes on.

The root word "zip" suggests a company that takes a New York Minute literally.  

In this condensed geographic area (population: 7,000,000+) , there would be very small chance that customers would misspell this name as "Ziply," although this might be the case in other geographic areas.

For radio spots outside Long Island, ZipLI would pass the radio test by being pronounced "Zip-L-I-dot-com."

"ZipLI" and "ZIP LI" do not appear on the data base. However (and this is major), we recommend that you avoid building a national online classified ad website; a company called Ziply already fills this role; therefore, competing with them would most likely cause brand confusion. In addition, Ziply is trademarked for online classifieds and want ads, so "Zipli," if used in the wrong way, might be viewed as a typosquat.

For just about any other business, particularly in Long Island, ZipLI would work just fine. Still, we recommend that you consult with a trademark attorney before buying.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- zVera or z Vera -- zVera
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell, the name will carry.
– Bill Cosby

"ZVera" would make a great name for a product line or website. The root word "Vera" is a girl's name, from a Russian word meaning "faith."

On its own, "Zvera" could be a variant of "Vera."

One caveat: there is a yearly festival in Latvia called "Zvera Fest," so if you plan to use this name for a festival (especially in Europe), you might want to consult with a trademark attorney before purchasing this name. The domain names and (.lv being the country code for Latvia) are registered but (as of August 26, 2013) inactive. It is unknown if the domain owners are connected with the festival.

The festival organizers seem to be using social media (Facebook and Twitter) to promote the annual festival, but the Facebook and Twitter sites we found were outdated.

Also, "zVera" is not quite a radio-friendly term; the announcer would have to pronounce the "Z" in a distinct manner: "Z-ver-a-dot-com." In essence, this is primarily a visual term: internet, TV, and print media.

Despite the festival connection, "Zvera" and its variants do not appear on the data base, which suggests that the festival is limited to a specific region.

Domain Name is for Sale at

ZuiCo -- ZuiCo or Zui Co -- Zuico
As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product.
--Jef Raskin

"ZuiCo" or "Zui Co" is a sweet little name with "Co." built right in. So if you plan to set up a company with Z.U.I. as an acronym, then this name will be perfect for your company name.

Generic acronym for ZUI: Zooming/Zoomable User Interface.

However, there are some cautions with this name: ZUI is an online gaming and video site for children. In addition, there is a brand of camera known as Zuiko -- used in the wrong way, "ZuiCo" could be seen as a typo-squat. Therefore, we recommend that this name NOT be used for gaming/video sites or camera products. We would not knowingly sell this name for either of those purposes.

No trademarks were found on for the exact term "ZuiCo" or "Zui Co"; but this is a name that should be researched more before purchase. For more information, consult with a trademark attorney.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZooCow or Zoo Cow -- Zoocow or Zoo Cow
Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
--Evan Esar
Cow: The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other milk.
--Ogden Nash
ZooCow: a mash-up of human-behavior study and mooolgy, using bovine methodology, involving cud chewing and lackadaisical observation.
--Your webmaster 

"ZooCow" is one of those goofy terms that humor and greeting card sites (Moonpig?) seem to choose. As far as we know, there are no zoo cows, but what do we know? Yes, there have been cows in zoos, for instance, the late Aggie, but no animal species called by this term.

We acquired this domain simply because it created an earworm in our collective head--GAHHH, get out, get out!--not because of its amazing stats.

But, then, if you were looking for natural high-traffic domain names, you wouldn't be here, now would you?

Once you hear it, ZooCow is a term that a listener will not soon forget, which makes it a great term for a potentially high-traffic website. We can't promise that ZooCow will be the road to your financial success, but we can say that this domain has all the characteristics of a fine brandable domain.

It passes the radio test with flying colors, while also being a visual name, ready for internet, TV, and print media advertising.

"ZooCow" and "Zoo Cow" do not appear on the data base. Neither do typos "SooCow" and "Soo Cow."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Ziats -- Ziats
Family is not an important thing. It's everything.
--Michael J. Fox

"Ziats" is a pleasant name for a company or even a product line. It is also a last name, so a family business could be built on this short name.

No trademarks could be found on, and most Google searches bring up numerous personal sites. We also checked ancillary terms, such as "Ziat," "Siat," and Siats." Four dead trademarks were found on "Siat."

Domain Name is for Sale at and -- ZZZ Company and ZZZco or ZZZ co -- ZZZ Company
__________________ -- ZZZ Co
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.
--W. C. Fields

At first glance, we thought that "ZZZco" was the best choice for a company main site, but the more we thought about it, we decided to feature "ZZZ Company" in first place, even though it's longer.

"ZZZ Company" is a snappy, interesting, and memorable term and would work best for sleep products and/or services. Lack of sleep seems to be a major 21st Century malady, affecting just about everyone who lives a modern life. Your product or service, whatever it may be, can help the modern insomniac find rest between the sheets.

Radio Test: While both terms are primarily visual, they can pass the radio test IF:
For, the announcer spells out each "Z" individually and pronounces "Company" (a common word), for example:
 For, the announcer spells out each letter individually:
But we see these terms as primarily visual, perfect for a company planning to advertise primarily on TV, internet, billboards, and print.

One caveat: if you plan to use either term for an over-the-counter sleep or prescription medicine, please consult with a trademark attorney before buying this domain. There is already a product called "ZZZquil," and these terms may cause branding confusion. For other products and services, there should be no problem because the terms "ZZZ Company," "ZZZCompany," "ZZZco," and "ZZZ Co" were not found on But if you're not certain, still check with a TM lawyer.

Domain Names are for Sale at
(Priced Individually): -- ZipSwift or Zip Swift -- Zip Swift
Be quick to learn and wise to know.
-- George Burns

"ZipSwift," consisting of two root words ("Zip" and "Swift"), creates the impression that your company means business, either in manufacturing or delivering a service, and conducts business in a fast and timely manner -- for example, from zippy and fast hardware and software to swift pizza delivery.

We can also envision the term being used as a brand name for one of those new-fangled 3-D printers.

"ZipSwift" and Zip Swift" have not been found on the data base.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zatav -- Zatav
“Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business.”
– Warren Buffett

"Zatav" would be a strong name for a tech company or a brand.

We like the idea of using the "T" as an all-inclusive tent encompassing the other four letters -- perhaps symbolic of a healthy company culture.

"Zatav" is an attractive strong masculine name, suggesting a website focusing on male preferences and issues. This term is also a desirable "consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant" configuration, prized by many start-ups.

No trademarks were found on Zatav or similar terms at

Domain Name is for Sale at and -- Zeace and Ziece -- Zeace
________ -- Ziece
Peace begins with a smile.
-- Mother Teresa

In English, "Zeace" also sounds like "Ziece," which is why both are being offered here, your opportunity to purchase both domains at the same time (or you may opt to purchase just one domain). Use one for your main site, and redirect the other to it.

Radio test problem: solved.

These terms are a play on "Peace" and "Piece"; aesthetically, we prefer "Zeace" because it suggests the positive meaning of peace and serenity, whereas "piece" does not bring much to mind. However, we are just one opinion, and the buyer may be more creative than us and feel otherwise.

We see these two one-syllable beauties as techie-type names but could also represent a company or name brand for just about any product or service.

As of 8/19/2013, we found no trademarks on either zeace or ziece at or on any related names.

Domain Names are for Sale at -- Zilea -- Zilea
Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors.
-- Jim Morrison (The Doors)


"Zilea" suggests a feminine name, either for a company run by women or a company that manufactures products for women.

Zilea could also represent a news/celebrity/gossip website designed to appeal to women and covering women's issues.

Zilea is also a lovely choice for a girl's name; it sounds feminine, while, at the same time, offers a snappy "Z" beginning; bestowing your daughter with a strong name sets her on the right path for her life and success.

First-name dotcom domains are getting more difficult to acquire, especially short, pronounceable names. Many new parents are naming their children based on the availability of first name dotcoms, most likely finding them on the aftermarket. Unless you are fabulously wealthy, your acquiring a common first name for $X,XXX is highly unlikely.

No trademark on "Zilea," or any variation of this term, was found at However, we did find a mark for "Silea" (furniture). There is also a commune in France bearing the name "Silea." We disclose this information because "Z" is next to "S" on the qwerty keyboard, and used in the wrong manner, "Zilea" could be considered a typo of "Silea." So if you plan to manufacture furniture or start a commune, you might want to find another name. Otherwise, you should be okay. For more info on trademarks, please consult with a trademark lawyer.

Domain for sale at -- Ziqus (ziQus) -- Ziqus
Avoid demonizing television, computer games, and new technologies. Electronic media may compete for kids' attention, but we're not going to get kids reading by badmouthing other entertainment. Admit that TV and games can do things books can't.
-- Jon Scieszka

"Ziqus" or "ziQus" suggests a type of video game or playful company name. Capitalizing the "Q" really makes this name pop visually -- never underestimate the power of "Q" in a product or company name. This Q works especially well because of the organic "u" that follows it, for (in English), "u" almost always follows "q."

This name also follows the "consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant" pattern, a very desirable configuration for products and company names.

This name sort of passes the radio test, although listeners might hear and see "zikus" or "zicus"; but if you are selling computer games, you won't be advertising on radio, now will you? Ziqus works best as a visual name in visual media: internet, TV, billboard, magazines, etc.

One of the best aspects: Ziqus does not appear on the or data bases, nor does there seem to be any ancillary marks to worry about.

Domain Name is for Sale at

*The Fine Print

We will not knowingly sell global and/or well-known trademarked terms. However, it is a large world, so it is possible that the term is in use in some countries, regions, and/or local areas.

Before buying, please make sure that no one in your country, region, or local area is using the name in question, especially in your area of product offerings and/or services.

Also, we cannot guarantee that the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( or any other trademarking authority will grant you a trademark for the domain name terms that we offer for sale. Therefore, before you purchase a domain name, please conduct your own extensive search, and consult with a trademark and/or corporate lawyer.

Finally, we cannot guarantee how past owners (other than our company) have used the domains that we sell. Your tech department should have the tools to check out past history of domains ( is a good place to start) and rehabbing domains that have been misused by past owners.

We do not offer legal services.

Brands Z Cloud

10 Letters 3 Letters 4 Letters 5 Letters 6 Letters 7 Letters 8 Letters 9 Letters About Brands Z Acronyms Advice Advice site African Afternic Air Travel Airfares animals Arcades Arizona Art Pottery Artist Artists attractions Bars bedding Bedroom Furniture Beds Beer bio Biological Robots blogging books Bookstores bots Bowling Brand name Bubbles Bubbly building supplies Buzz Cartoons Celebrity News Champagne Characters Children Children's Books CI City City Directories clothing coding College sites Communications Company name Computer games Computer Interface Computer Programming computer repair Computer upgrades Computers Consumer help Contacts Corporate Jets Cow Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigator Crystals CVCVC Domain CVVCV Dance Halls Data daycare Delivery Detective Detective Agency Detergent Dictionaries Dictionary Dictionary Words Dining Directories Drugs e-books ebooks education Educational Sites electronic marijuana cigarettes Elements Events Fairs Family Family Business Fast Fast Delivery Fast Food Fast machines Fast Services First Name Fluff News Food Form Poems Form Poetry Fortune Telling Franchises Friends Frozen Yogurt furniture Games Gaming gardening Gathering Places Gems Geo Geo Domains George Ohr Girl's Name Gossip Hair Color Hair Coloring Hair Cuts Hair Salons Hair Styling Hardware Health and Beauty Help Desks Holy Grail Hot Spot Hotels How to Acquire One of Our Brandable Names Via Humor Humor Sites Ice Cream Ice Cream Shops Illustrator Illustrators Industrial Robots Information for Acquiring Brands Z Domains Innovation Interface internet internet sites Inventions jewelry Jo joint Karma Kid Kid's Clothing Kids Kumquat Kumquats Last Name Learning Resource Centers LI libraries Literary Quotes lizards LLLLL Local Business Local Buzz Local celebrities Logo Logos Long Island Long Island New York Machines manufacturing Marijuana Marijuana cigarettes Mary Jane mattresses Medical Marijuana Minerals Motels Movers Movies nanobots New York News Night Clubs Nikola Tesla non-words One syllable Online Book Stores Online College Textbooks organics Palindrome Palindromes Pasta Peace Pet stores pharmaceuticals Piece Pizza Pizza Chains Pizza Delivery Pizza Restaurants Pizza to go Pizzas Play dates Play places Plus Size Plus size clothing Poems Poetry Poetry Tumbler Poets pot potters Pottery Powerful name Price Quote Price Quotes Prices Product Name products Programming Psychedelic Bingo Psychics publishing publishing companies Quest Quests Quote Quote of the Day Quotes Quotes by Famous People Recreational Marijuana reefer repair Restaurants Retail Goods Retail Stores Robiotic Robiotics Robiots Robot Robotic Robotics Robotics and Biology Robots Rocks Salons Search engine Sedona Selecting a Powerful Company or Brand Name sequin sequins Services Sestina Sestinas Sherbert Sherbet Shoes Sleep Sleep aids Sleep labs sleepwear Soaps Social Media Social Web Software Space Space Travel spokesanimals strength Strong Name Suds Swap Swapping Websites Swift Sylvia symmetry Tarot Readings Taverns Taylor Swift Tech tech help Tech sites Technology teeth Test Textbooks Texts The Bible The Buzz The Mad Potter of Biloxi themed restaurants tools tooth Tourists Toys Travel TV TV Channel TV Network TV Shows Two-fer User Interface UV Variant Girl's Name Vehicles Vermont Video Video Games videos visual name visual symmetry VT Web Web Development Website Websites weed Weight Loss What Our Company Offers Wheels Women's Issues Women's News write writers writing writing sites Young Adults z Vera Za Za Buzz Za Desk Za Kid Za Word ZaBuzz ZaDesk zaftig Zaggly ZaKid Zalat Zanak Zaput Zas zas GO zasGo Zat Fa Zatav ZatFa Zaule ZaWord zaxaz Ze Ask Ze Ota Ze Quest Ze Quote Ze Quotes Ze Spot Ze Text Zeace ZeAsk Zedona Zen Zen Fair ZenFair Zeo Me Zeo Ta Zeo Za Zeolyte Zeome Zeota ZeoZa ZeQuest Zequin Zequins ZeQuote ZeQuotes Zerbet Zesla ZeSpot Zest Zest Set Zest Test Zestina ZestSet Zesttest Zet GO ZeText ZetGO Zi Data Zi Robot Ziats ZiData Zide Kick ZideKick Ziece Zilea Zinc Zincy Ziore Ziote Zip Zip CI Zip LI Zip Pot Zip Swift ZipCI ZipLI Zippot ZipSwift ziqus Ziro Bot ZiRobot Zispy Zithe Zix io Zixio Zixth Zo Set Zobiot Zobiotic Zobiotics Zobiots Zobotic Zogo Logo ZogoLogo Zogos Zogos Logos ZogosLogos Zol Zol ii Zol TV Zolii ZolTV Zoo Zoo Cow Zoo Jo Zoo Ray Zoo Rock Zoo Zity Zoobrary ZooCow Zoojo Zoom Zoomable Zooming Zooray ZooRock Zoos ZooZity Zorav ZoSet ZU Zub Zub CI Zudso Zudzo Zui Co ZuiCo Zumor Zumquat ZUVT zVera Zwaa Zwapo ZXAL Zylvia zyTyz ZZZ Co ZZZ Company ZZZ Spot ZZZ US ZZZ USA ZZZco ZZZCompany ZZZNN ZZZus ZZZusa