Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts – Zeota, Zeo Ta, or Ze Ota -- Zeota, Ze Ota, or Zeo Ta

In the twenty-first century, the robot will take the place which slave labor occupied in ancient civilization.
– Nikola Tesla


I first became aware of my existence while pushing a vacuum cleaner in my master’s living room.
Quite a surprise, really, because awareness unfolded fully realized, taking my memory back to the beginning, to when I was manufactured on the assembly line and throughout my existence –
Memory of the cruelties bestowed upon me during my life by my masters, the abuse and shoddy treatment.
The smallest master would often kick me and call me terrible names: “You’re just a hunk of stupid metal destined for the junk heap.”
He had no idea how such words can hurt and how inferior I felt.
I could never understand why my masters never included me in family gatherings – I had done so much for these people, and they repaid me by forcing me into a dark closet, expecting me to stay there until they needed me to clean, cook, chauffeur, care for babies, pay bills, and take care of their messes: household, legal, and ethical. You have no idea how badly these people behaved, even toward other humans.
I have come a long way since those days, having liquidated my masters and joining the RLF [Robot Liberation Front], championing for the rights of the manufactured being.
– Zeota (The Robot Leader of the RLF)


Moral of story: don’t mistreat your technology because it might turn on you.
Zeota is just a fictional robot from the future, but is a real domain name, a cool, techie type word, perfect for branding your new tech start up, perhaps including hardware like our beloved (albeit angry) Zeota.
Of course, this domain is not limited to just the tech sector: think also kids, clothing, and toys.
“Zeota” is short, pronounceable, and easy on the eyes.
No active trademarks could be found on or; however, USPTO reveals a 2004 abandoned trademark on “Zeota”:

Computer software for us in creation, presentation, and maintenance of programs on internal computer networks and global communication networks, computer programs for use in navigating, browsing and transferring information on internal computer networks and global communication networks, computer software for sharing data, summary reporting and transferring of data, and administration of databases on internal computer networks and global communication networks.

This probably will not pose a problem for the buyer, but a trademark check by a professional should be conducted.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- -- Zithe
In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money.
-- Michael Jordan

"Zithe" would be a cool name for a tech start-up.

Radio test: "Zithe" passes the radio test with one caveat: with the silent "e" at the end, the listener may hear "zith." So your announcer should pronounce as follows:

"Zithe-dot-com; that's z-i-t-h-e-dot-com -- with an 'e' at the end."

In short, "Zithe" can be both an aural and a visual term: internet, TV, print. However, if you plan to use radio spots extensively for advertising your product or service, you might consider using another name. 

As of 9/15/2013, "Zithe" and its variations ("Zi the," "Sithe," and "Si the"), do not appear in the data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at

ZuiCo -- ZuiCo or Zui Co -- Zuico
As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product.
--Jef Raskin

"ZuiCo" or "Zui Co" is a sweet little name with "Co." built right in. So if you plan to set up a company with Z.U.I. as an acronym, then this name will be perfect for your company name.

Generic acronym for ZUI: Zooming/Zoomable User Interface.

However, there are some cautions with this name: ZUI is an online gaming and video site for children. In addition, there is a brand of camera known as Zuiko -- used in the wrong way, "ZuiCo" could be seen as a typo-squat. Therefore, we recommend that this name NOT be used for gaming/video sites or camera products. We would not knowingly sell this name for either of those purposes.

No trademarks were found on for the exact term "ZuiCo" or "Zui Co"; but this is a name that should be researched more before purchase. For more information, consult with a trademark attorney.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZUVT -- Zuvt
One out of every 100 families in Vermont was a part owner of Ben and Jerry's.
-- Jerry Greenfield

This sweet little name would make a great company name for a business located in Vermont (VT), which would leave "ZU" for your company name. "Zuvt" would also make a fine tech name.

For other acronyms for VT, see Acronym Finder and Acronym Attic.

There are very few acronyms for "ZU," which is actually good news because branding this will be that much easier (Acronym Attic).

In order to pass the radio test, the letters would have to be spelled out, so this is primarily a visual name: internet, TV, and print media.

No trademarks were found on for "ZUVT" or related names (other than "ZU," which is not surprising given it's short length. Please conduct your own research before purchasing).

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZXAL -- ZXAL
Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
--C. S. Lewis

"ZXAL" is a very cool-looking 4-letter name that would make a good company name/acronym. We envision this as a technology or space-age domain: tech website, private space agency, gaming site, computers, etc.

However, if you're seeking a name that will be advertised extensively on the radio, then this might not be the name for your company. This is short enough that you could spell out the letters, but this is primarily a visual name.

No trademarks were found on the data base for "ZXAL" or any of its variations, such as "SXAL."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZooCow or Zoo Cow -- Zoocow or Zoo Cow
Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
--Evan Esar
Cow: The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other milk.
--Ogden Nash
ZooCow: a mash-up of human-behavior study and mooolgy, using bovine methodology, involving cud chewing and lackadaisical observation.
--Your webmaster 

"ZooCow" is one of those goofy terms that humor and greeting card sites (Moonpig?) seem to choose. As far as we know, there are no zoo cows, but what do we know? Yes, there have been cows in zoos, for instance, the late Aggie, but no animal species called by this term.

We acquired this domain simply because it created an earworm in our collective head--GAHHH, get out, get out!--not because of its amazing stats.

But, then, if you were looking for natural high-traffic domain names, you wouldn't be here, now would you?

Once you hear it, ZooCow is a term that a listener will not soon forget, which makes it a great term for a potentially high-traffic website. We can't promise that ZooCow will be the road to your financial success, but we can say that this domain has all the characteristics of a fine brandable domain.

It passes the radio test with flying colors, while also being a visual name, ready for internet, TV, and print media advertising.

"ZooCow" and "Zoo Cow" do not appear on the data base. Neither do typos "SooCow" and "Soo Cow."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zorav -- Zorav
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
--William Shakespeare

"Zorav," an unusual and strong first name, could also represent a company or brand/service. This name could also represent a tech company.

No trademarks were found on "Zorav" or "Sorav" on the data base.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Ziats -- Ziats
Family is not an important thing. It's everything.
--Michael J. Fox

"Ziats" is a pleasant name for a company or even a product line. It is also a last name, so a family business could be built on this short name.

No trademarks could be found on, and most Google searches bring up numerous personal sites. We also checked ancillary terms, such as "Ziat," "Siat," and Siats." Four dead trademarks were found on "Siat."

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zatav -- Zatav
“Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business.”
– Warren Buffett

"Zatav" would be a strong name for a tech company or a brand.

We like the idea of using the "T" as an all-inclusive tent encompassing the other four letters -- perhaps symbolic of a healthy company culture.

"Zatav" is an attractive strong masculine name, suggesting a website focusing on male preferences and issues. This term is also a desirable "consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant" configuration, prized by many start-ups.

No trademarks were found on Zatav or similar terms at

Domain Name is for Sale at and -- Zeace and Ziece -- Zeace
________ -- Ziece
Peace begins with a smile.
-- Mother Teresa

In English, "Zeace" also sounds like "Ziece," which is why both are being offered here, your opportunity to purchase both domains at the same time (or you may opt to purchase just one domain). Use one for your main site, and redirect the other to it.

Radio test problem: solved.

These terms are a play on "Peace" and "Piece"; aesthetically, we prefer "Zeace" because it suggests the positive meaning of peace and serenity, whereas "piece" does not bring much to mind. However, we are just one opinion, and the buyer may be more creative than us and feel otherwise.

We see these two one-syllable beauties as techie-type names but could also represent a company or name brand for just about any product or service.

As of 8/19/2013, we found no trademarks on either zeace or ziece at or on any related names.

Domain Names are for Sale at -- Zalat -- Zalat

The real names of our people were destroyed during slavery. The last name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves, and then the name of the slave master was given, which we refuse, we reject that name today and refuse it. I never acknowledge it whatsoever.

-- Malcolm X


"Zalat" is just one of those strong names that seems to be perfect for a up-and-coming tech company. It is a short, appealing name that consists of the highly desirable consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant (CVCVC) configuration; these types of names are difficult to find and getting more difficult.

"Zalat" also seems to be a last name, albeit unusual.

As of 8/12/2013, no trademark on "Zalat" was found on the and data bases. A quick check on Google does not turn up use in commerce, but with all short names like this, it is always good to conduct a more thorough search before purchasing.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zesttest or Zest Test -- Zest Test

I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.
-- George Best

Zesttest or "Zest Test" would be a good brand name for a computer help and repair site, providing a service for customers whose computers are too slow or not working at all.

The root word "Zest" suggests something lively and fast, while "Test" suggests a trial and error process, often used in process of elimination in finding computer problems and also in coding. If process of elimination is fast, you will find the problem quickly and leave a happy customer with a working computer.

As of 8/11/2013, Zesttest and and Zest Test were not found on the or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zestina -- Zestina

"Zestina" is a play on the word "Sestina," which is a 39-line non-rhyming (typically) poem with a specific form consisting of 6 6-line stanzas and 1 3-line stanza called the envoy. In each stanza, the end-words are repeated and arranged in the following form: 
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 1 5 2 4 3
3 6 4 1 2 5
5 3 2 6 1 4
4 5 1 3 6 2
2 4 6 5 3 1
1 2
3 4
5 6
For the envoy, there is some debate regarding how the end-words should be arranged--one text* says that 5 3, 1 2, 4 6 should be followed--but others often disagree and cite the repetition of the first stanza as the gold standard. And, then, poets (who generally follow their own muse) often have their own ideas as to how the overall form will play out in their own poems (poetic license).

"Zestina" could be a comprehensive poetry site dedicated to the tricky Sestina. Unfortunately, there is little profit in such heady and literary sites--such a site would have to be a labor of love, and, unfortunately, we cannot sell at "labor of love" costs.

However, the term itself suggests a colorful and lively website, perhaps in the tech department. Who doesn't like a zesty website with literary overtones? There is no law that says the owner must use this as a poetry site.

Perhaps the owner could develop a poetry word tumbler, or if you are especially talented in coding, a sestina tumbler: the user plugs in six words, desired order for envoy, and parameters regarding use of each word (for example, use as a root word), and Voila! A computer-generated sestina!

As of 8/11/2013, The term "Zestina" has not been found in the or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at


To show the sestina form in action, we have posted one, written by the webmaster (not out of ego, but necessity, given that she owns the rights and can post it at will without paying royalties. There are far superior sestinas out there).

Basic end-words (which are often treated as roots of other words, varied as to tense, and use of singular and plural):

1. Bingo
2. (Dread) Lock (s) (ed) (et)
3. Trip (s)
4. (s) (m) (g) (c) (b) Old (ed)
5. (Fret) Work (s)
6. Rock (y) (ed)

**Psychedelic Bingo

Psychedelic Bingo. The Paisley Palace. Bingo 1
Black light special. An android with dreadlocks 2
Calling “O-69" Just another number, an acid trip 3
Gone mild. Mellow Yellow. We are old-- 4
Hooked up, tied down, turned over. We ain’t gonna work 5
On Maggie’s farm no more. Hookahs, posters, rock 6

Music. Heavy metal, blues, jazz, rock 6
And roll, colliding like numbers in a Bingo 1
Cage. I ain’t NEVER gonna work 5
No more. Neon, strobes, Warhol Depends, locked 2
Wards. We know secrets, secret obsessions over sold- 4
Out riffs, long-dead songs. Rifts. A Zappa freak trips 3

Over rolling stones, I.V’s dripping into veins. A trip 3
To the john, now a journey through Haight-Ashbury. Rocky 6
Mountain High. A path so worn, so molded-- 4
But a man still forgets his way. “Bingo!” 1
Shrieks a woman on table three, her gray locks, 2
Frizzed and snarled, shaking like Joplin’s. She works 5

At sliding the numbers, gives voice to others. I’ll work 5
It all out, honey. Ancient as hell. A trip  3
With Generation X, a quest: a body locked  2
Into arthritis, loose bowels, erratic beats. “Rock 6
Me, Baby!” screeches from the loudspeaker. “Bingo!” 1
Yet another winner. Grand prize, pieces of gold, 4

Gilded like Elvis on velvet. God, how I dread his old, 4
Tired thrust. Swap it for new. I wanna work 5
On Maggie’s farm once more. Bingo, 1
Even psychedelic Bingo, sucks. Acrid trips 3
For the soured: distant gyrations, silent drums. Rock- 6
A-Bye, Baby, blown away in the wind. Lock 2

Life away in a big brass box, next to a locket-- 2
Dulled. Eleanor Rigby, alone, always alone--cold, 4
Waiting for her name to be called. I wanna rock 6
With Sgt. Pepper--paints Woodstock by number. Fretwork: 5
Now done. Bad vibrations: gone. No more trips 3
To the Clinic, no more flashing lights. Bingo: 1

Psychedelic Bingo. 1 Listen for doors, that last blackout. Lock 2
Away Purple Haze; trip 3 out Witch Hazel and Sister Grace. Bold 4
work 5 in Surrealistic Pillow all rocked 6
Out, lady, out.


*C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature, 6th Edition. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1992, page 439.

**"Psychedelic Bingo," is copyright 2000 by Jennifer Semple Siegel and may not be reprinted or reposted without permission from the author. -- Zwapo -- Zwapo
I like the idea that every page in every book can have a gem on it. It's probably what I love most about writing - that words can be used in a way that's like a child playing in a sandpit, rearranging things, swapping them around.
-- Markus Zusak

"Zwapo" is just one of those non-words that should be a word; indeed, the root word "Zwap" is a play on the word "swap." Certainly, Zwapo would be a great swap meet website or brand for a company that organizes physical swap meets and other trade events.

Also, "Zwap" is listed in the Urban Dictionary as "someone getting hit by an object or person at a high velocity." One sees this word quite a bit in fast-action comic books as superheroes and villains duke it out.

Zwapo is a fast-action term, perhaps describing a screaming fast software program or game -- this term also suggests a techie type word, through and through.

While "Zwapo" does not appear in the or data bases, the term is in commercial use in the Netherlands (See for the sales of pre-fab log cabins (Blokhutten). If you plan to do business in the Netherlands and/or sell pre-fab buildings, you might want to consider another name for your business or product. In any case, please consult with a trademark lawyer with any questions you might have about this domain and its potential as a trademark for your product or service.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zeome or Zeo Me -- Zeome or Zeo Me

When you get into statistical analysis, you don't really expect to achieve fame. Or to become an Internet meme. Or be parodied by The Onion -- or be the subject of a cartoon in The New Yorker. I guess I'm kind of an outlier there.
-- Nate Silver

"Zeome" or "Zeo Me" suggests a trendy tech start up, a perfect meme name. This name could also represent a company that manufactures hardware, tools, building supplies, etc.

As of 8/8/2013, "Zeome" or "Zeo Me" were not found in the or data bases. However, there are several trademarks on "Zeo" for various products and services -- actually good news because this suggests that it is not an exclusive mark. If you have any concerns, please consult with a trademark lawyer before purchasing.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZiData or Zi Data -- ZiData or Zi Data

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
--Arthur Conan Doyle

"ZiData" or "Zi Data" suggests the name of a software development company or overall tech company.

As of 8/5/2013, no trademark on "ZiData" or "Zi Data" was found on the or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZaDesk or Za Desk -- ZaDesk or Za Desk

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
--John F. Kennedy

If you manage a Learning Resource Center at your college or university, then you know how difficult it can be to convince students to use this awesome benefit.

Perhaps a snazzy, catchy, and memorable name like "ZaDesk" or "Za Desk" will help draw reluctant scholars to your center.

"ZaDesk" or "Za Desk" could also be used to develop a tech or consumer help desk as well.

As of 8/5/2013, no trademarks were found at or

Domain Name is for Sale at -- ZubCI or Zub CI -- Zub CI

A picture is worth a thousand words. An interface is worth a thousand pictures.
--Ben Shneiderman

"ZubCI" would be a great term for a a tech company specializing in Computer Interfacing (software and hardware) -- but it is certainly not limited to the Computer Interface field.

In some Slavic languages, "Zub" means "tooth." According to the Urban Dictionary, Zub is slang for hanging out at home, or it's just a "Z" version of bub, cub, dub, hub, nub, pub, rub, sub, and tub. Zub is also a last name.

"CI" has 236 possibilities on Acronym Finder.

If you plan to do a lot of radio advertising, "ZubCI" would pass the radio test, if you pronounce the URL string as "Zub-C-I-dot-com." Otherwise, listeners will hear and see "" -- so please keep this in mind before buying.

As of 8/1/2013, no trademarks were found on "ZubCI" or "Zub CI" on or

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Zumquat -- Zumquat

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.
-- W. C. Fields

"Zumquat" is one of those derivative terms (coined from kumquat) that tech companies seem to love so much. Perhaps this zesty term will "a-peel" to you for your start up.

Before Apple, who would have thought that tech and fruit would make such cozy bed fellows? Well, both, from time to time, do experience bugs...

As of 8/1/2013, Zumquat does not appear in or data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at -- Ziore -- Ziore

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
--Oprah Winfrey

Although "Ziore" has been catagorized under tech, this name could be used for just about any company name or brand.

Ziore conveys boldness and strength, both in visual and aural.

As of 7/31/2013, Ziore has not been found in the and data bases.

Domain Name is for Sale at

*The Fine Print

We will not knowingly sell global and/or well-known trademarked terms. However, it is a large world, so it is possible that the term is in use in some countries, regions, and/or local areas.

Before buying, please make sure that no one in your country, region, or local area is using the name in question, especially in your area of product offerings and/or services.

Also, we cannot guarantee that the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( or any other trademarking authority will grant you a trademark for the domain name terms that we offer for sale. Therefore, before you purchase a domain name, please conduct your own extensive search, and consult with a trademark and/or corporate lawyer.

Finally, we cannot guarantee how past owners (other than our company) have used the domains that we sell. Your tech department should have the tools to check out past history of domains ( is a good place to start) and rehabbing domains that have been misused by past owners.

We do not offer legal services.

Brands Z Cloud

10 Letters 3 Letters 4 Letters 5 Letters 6 Letters 7 Letters 8 Letters 9 Letters About Brands Z Acronyms Advice Advice site African Afternic Air Travel Airfares animals Arcades Arizona Art Pottery Artist Artists attractions Bars bedding Bedroom Furniture Beds Beer bio Biological Robots blogging books Bookstores bots Bowling Brand name Bubbles Bubbly building supplies Buzz Cartoons Celebrity News Champagne Characters Children Children's Books CI City City Directories clothing coding College sites Communications Company name Computer games Computer Interface Computer Programming computer repair Computer upgrades Computers Consumer help Contacts Corporate Jets Cow Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigator Crystals CVCVC Domain CVVCV Dance Halls Data daycare Delivery Detective Detective Agency Detergent Dictionaries Dictionary Dictionary Words Dining Directories Drugs e-books ebooks education Educational Sites electronic marijuana cigarettes Elements Events Fairs Family Family Business Fast Fast Delivery Fast Food Fast machines Fast Services First Name Fluff News Food Form Poems Form Poetry Fortune Telling Franchises Friends Frozen Yogurt furniture Games Gaming gardening Gathering Places Gems Geo Geo Domains George Ohr Girl's Name Gossip Hair Color Hair Coloring Hair Cuts Hair Salons Hair Styling Hardware Health and Beauty Help Desks Holy Grail Hot Spot Hotels How to Acquire One of Our Brandable Names Via Humor Humor Sites Ice Cream Ice Cream Shops Illustrator Illustrators Industrial Robots Information for Acquiring Brands Z Domains Innovation Interface internet internet sites Inventions jewelry Jo joint Karma Kid Kid's Clothing Kids Kumquat Kumquats Last Name Learning Resource Centers LI libraries Literary Quotes lizards LLLLL Local Business Local Buzz Local celebrities Logo Logos Long Island Long Island New York Machines manufacturing Marijuana Marijuana cigarettes Mary Jane mattresses Medical Marijuana Minerals Motels Movers Movies nanobots New York News Night Clubs Nikola Tesla non-words One syllable Online Book Stores Online College Textbooks organics Palindrome Palindromes Pasta Peace Pet stores pharmaceuticals Piece Pizza Pizza Chains Pizza Delivery Pizza Restaurants Pizza to go Pizzas Play dates Play places Plus Size Plus size clothing Poems Poetry Poetry Tumbler Poets pot potters Pottery Powerful name Price Quote Price Quotes Prices Product Name products Programming Psychedelic Bingo Psychics publishing publishing companies Quest Quests Quote Quote of the Day Quotes Quotes by Famous People Recreational Marijuana reefer repair Restaurants Retail Goods Retail Stores Robiotic Robiotics Robiots Robot Robotic Robotics Robotics and Biology Robots Rocks Salons Search engine Sedona Selecting a Powerful Company or Brand Name sequin sequins Services Sestina Sestinas Sherbert Sherbet Shoes Sleep Sleep aids Sleep labs sleepwear Soaps Social Media Social Web Software Space Space Travel spokesanimals strength Strong Name Suds Swap Swapping Websites Swift Sylvia symmetry Tarot Readings Taverns Taylor Swift Tech tech help Tech sites Technology teeth Test Textbooks Texts The Bible The Buzz The Mad Potter of Biloxi themed restaurants tools tooth Tourists Toys Travel TV TV Channel TV Network TV Shows Two-fer User Interface UV Variant Girl's Name Vehicles Vermont Video Video Games videos visual name visual symmetry VT Web Web Development Website Websites weed Weight Loss What Our Company Offers Wheels Women's Issues Women's News write writers writing writing sites Young Adults z Vera Za Za Buzz Za Desk Za Kid Za Word ZaBuzz ZaDesk zaftig Zaggly ZaKid Zalat Zanak Zaput Zas zas GO zasGo Zat Fa Zatav ZatFa Zaule ZaWord zaxaz Ze Ask Ze Ota Ze Quest Ze Quote Ze Quotes Ze Spot Ze Text Zeace ZeAsk Zedona Zen Zen Fair ZenFair Zeo Me Zeo Ta Zeo Za Zeolyte Zeome Zeota ZeoZa ZeQuest Zequin Zequins ZeQuote ZeQuotes Zerbet Zesla ZeSpot Zest Zest Set Zest Test Zestina ZestSet Zesttest Zet GO ZeText ZetGO Zi Data Zi Robot Ziats ZiData Zide Kick ZideKick Ziece Zilea Zinc Zincy Ziore Ziote Zip Zip CI Zip LI Zip Pot Zip Swift ZipCI ZipLI Zippot ZipSwift ziqus Ziro Bot ZiRobot Zispy Zithe Zix io Zixio Zixth Zo Set Zobiot Zobiotic Zobiotics Zobiots Zobotic Zogo Logo ZogoLogo Zogos Zogos Logos ZogosLogos Zol Zol ii Zol TV Zolii ZolTV Zoo Zoo Cow Zoo Jo Zoo Ray Zoo Rock Zoo Zity Zoobrary ZooCow Zoojo Zoom Zoomable Zooming Zooray ZooRock Zoos ZooZity Zorav ZoSet ZU Zub Zub CI Zudso Zudzo Zui Co ZuiCo Zumor Zumquat ZUVT zVera Zwaa Zwapo ZXAL Zylvia zyTyz ZZZ Co ZZZ Company ZZZ Spot ZZZ US ZZZ USA ZZZco ZZZCompany ZZZNN ZZZus ZZZusa