Monday, August 12, 2013 and -- ZeQuote or Ze Quote and ZeQuotes or Ze Quotes -- ZeQuote or Ze Quote
_____________________ -- ZeQuotes or Ze Quotes

Here are some quotes about quotes:
“In quoting others, we cite ourselves.”
--Julio Cortázar, Around the Day in Eighty Worlds 
“Every book is a quotation; and every house is a quotation out of all forests, and mines, and stone quarries; and every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool.”
--Joseph Roux
“It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion.”
--Abraham Lincoln
“After one look at this planet, any visitor from outer space would say, I want to see the manager.
--William S. Burroughs

You get the point. Now let's get down to business:

Whatever you are selling, ZeQuote/Ze Quote and ZeQuotes/Ze Quotes would direct your customers to your pricing website because these names are catchy and memorable; the root word "Quote" is a natural for such a site.

Or you can develop a labor-of-love Quote-of-the-Day website, filled with diamond-chip quotes falling from the lips of the dead and famous.

As of 8/12/2013, trademarks on ZeQuote, Ze Quote, ZeQuotes, or Ze Quotes were not found at or

Domains for sale at

*The Fine Print

We will not knowingly sell global and/or well-known trademarked terms. However, it is a large world, so it is possible that the term is in use in some countries, regions, and/or local areas.

Before buying, please make sure that no one in your country, region, or local area is using the name in question, especially in your area of product offerings and/or services.

Also, we cannot guarantee that the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( or any other trademarking authority will grant you a trademark for the domain name terms that we offer for sale. Therefore, before you purchase a domain name, please conduct your own extensive search, and consult with a trademark and/or corporate lawyer.

Finally, we cannot guarantee how past owners (other than our company) have used the domains that we sell. Your tech department should have the tools to check out past history of domains ( is a good place to start) and rehabbing domains that have been misused by past owners.

We do not offer legal services.