Monday, July 22, 2013 -- Zaxaz -- Zaxaz

When the tech geeks talk, I pay close attention.

-- Gary Vaynerchuk

"Zaxaz" seems like a good techie name for a tech company. This name is unique in that it is a short palindrome, which means the word reads the same in reverse as it does forward. There is a sweet symmetry to such names, as depicted in the logo.

Also, short palindromes are difficult to find in .com; most of them are already registered; "Zaxaz" was acquired on the aftermarket.

One caveat: if you plan to do a lot of radio advertising, this probably isn't the right brand name for your company because it is a mouthful to pronounce. But if your company plans to do mostly visual advertising, then Zaxaz would be perfect.

As of 7/23/2013, No trademarks for Zaxaz were found on or

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*The Fine Print

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